Finding Your Specific Purpose | Day 3

Today we trekked by metro and shuttle to an organization with a very specific purpose: to provide healthy meals to low income people (and their families) who suffer from chronic diseases. This stretches from diabetes to cancer to lots in between. How people get chosen to have Food and Friends deliver meals to them for free is a social physician will give them a referral. Food and Friends has two different programs they run. One is a meal delivery service in which they deliver frozen meals to the families and one is a grocery delivery service in which they deliver groceries and meal plans to their higher functioning customers. Several dieticians work in house to ensure that all of the meals are as healthy as they possibly can be and are fitting their needs. The staff told us that the reason they provide food for the entire family was because they found that parents who have the chronic illnesses would give their children the meals because they could not provide for them. In order to ensure that the ill leraon was eating they provided for everyone. The staff explained that they would not be able to cater to their specific need base were it not for volunteers who donated their time to the purpose. The different tasks they had us complete included packing bags with frozen meal components, labeling dietary restrictions, sweeping, re-setting up a room, etc. Their specific purpose reminded me of the importance of finding one for myself: as of now my passions are wide-ranging and scattered but I hope to one day find a main cause I hold closest.