Mother Teresa | Shayla Ingalls

One woman that inspires me is Mother Teresa. Not only has she given her life to help the poor but she does not ask for anything in return. Her selflessness has transcended over decades and inspires to always help those in need even if it means I have to make a sacrifice. Her determination to share her love with those in need is unparalleled. Her contagious love and empathy inspires me to never forget how pure love can change the world.

“Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

— Mother Teresa teresateresa


Angela Davis | Ari Kopycinski

I only recently discovered Angela Davis’ story, and it has humbled and inspired me beyond belief. She is an activist, academic scholar, and author (according to Wikipedia), and she is an important figure from the Civil Rights Era, when she was arrested and incarcerated unjustly, as well as for Women’s Rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, disability rights, and overall equal rights activist. Her book Women, Race, and Class is one of the best books I have ever read, and I highly recommend it. I had the incredible opportunity to hear her speak at the Women’s March on Washington, and her speech was moving and powerful (as they always are). She is driven, and she always speaks and writes with conviction and grace. She is one of my biggest inspirations and role models.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Katie Deutsch

ruth-bader-ginsburg-time-100-2015-iconsIf I were tasked to nominate a notable woman in history deserving of lifetime achievement, I would nominate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (although she’s already received such awards). Most know Ginsburg as the second woman to ever be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, Ginsburg had an extensive career before this appointment, creating history in breaking countless legal and professional barriers for women. In the 1960s, Ginsburg was a volunteer lawyer at the New Jersey offices of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Here she saw a growing number of sex discrimination cases because of the just-passed 1964 Civil Rights Act’s Title VII. After these cases, she began teaching law, founded the first law journal in the U.S. to focus exclusively on women’s rights and later co-founded the Women’s Rights Project at the ACLU. Serving as director of the Women’s Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, she argued six landmark cases on gender equality before the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 1980, President Carter appointed her to the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit where she served for 13 years centrist peacemaker of the court, defying ideological labels. Because of her extensive experience and revered reputation as an attorney, professor, and justice, she was nominated by President Clinton to the Supreme Court as an Associate Justice, confirmed by the United States Senate in 1993, and has been serving on the nation’s highest court ever since. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been a trailblazer for women’s rights throughout history and present day. Although as she says: “I don’t say women’s rights– I say the constitutional principle of the equal citizenship stature of men and women.” For these reasons, Justice Ginsburg is one of my greatest inspirations.

Lady Gaga | Baylee Brown

Lady Gage inspires me because she is always true to who she wants to be, stands up for what she believes, champions for self love, human rights, love and acceptantance, and empowerment. Someone once asked me “If you could eat dinner with anyone, who would you eat with?”  I told them Lady Gaga, because I believe that you should always strive to be an individual and always to shoot for the dreams that you have.  She does too, many people told her before she started her career that she was going to be nothing and she was going to fail.  Here she is today, she came through adversity and hate, to prove that she could be whatever and whomever she wanted. I hope that one day I can have the strength to do the same, to help others, to be a positive role model, and to let them know that some one does care.

Shonda Rhimes | Bri Williams

Have you ever heard of Princess Diaries, the movie? And wonder why it is still a good movie. Well you have Shondra Rhimes to thank for that. Are you a fan of ABC’s #TGIT? You know, Greys Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. She is the writer and producer of all 3 shows. How magical is that?

Although, I do not know if she inspires me, but I do hope to be as creative as her one day. But one thing I do like about her, is that she is behind the scenes allowing all of these actresses and actors (especially the ones of color) to prevail on prime time TV. I appreciate this women for all of her work.shondaland-people


Yes, Yasas is posting about about an athlete, how typical right?

Why Arnold? Well, his story resonates with me. He’s an immigrant with dreams bigger than his home country who had a work ethic that bought him great success. Success in the sense of influence not riches. He had a vision for himself and other around him and he didn’t make excuses, he did something about it.

It is so easy to ask for an easy life but no one is willing to take risks, and his message to the world is to take every opportunity that comes up to you. It may not turn out the way you wanted it to but you can always learn from it. His rules to success are what inspires me, and I have a VISION.

Stephanie Merritt & Chelsea Redger | Li Wang

Stephanie Merritt 

She is the Wichita Starbucks lady, and the CEO of a non-profit called Wichita Area Coalition for kindness.


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  • She taught me is never too late to give back to our community and spread the kindness.
  • She taught me learn something from others everyday.
  • She taught me how to  make beanies for babies.
  • She taught me be appreciate to people around me.

Chelsea Redger 

She is my adviser for Community Service Board. She is always there when I need some one to talk to.


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  • She taught me it’s ok to ask for help.
  • She taught me time management and grow as a leader.
  • She taught me the important of service learning and civic engagement.
  • She taught me “Make the world more awesome.-Kid president”

Those are just two woman who inspired me in my life. There where many many more people who inspired me. I want to appreciate everyone who can be part of my life and be there to inspire me.

The end, I want to share with you a Youtube video by Prince Ea. It’s call “Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives”.