Pondering Thoughts … Shayla Ingalls 

There are many forms of poverty in the world today. Poverty impacts every aspect of an individual’s life often leaving them struggling to survive. When individuals find themselves in these situations it is often hard to get out and then creates effecting them, their spouses, children, and even grandchildren. One thing I have learned over the course of this semester is that poverty is not the fault of the people who are in that situation. Society often views this population as bringing this situation upon themselves when [in reality it is often caused by circumstances beyond their control.

Even though I have seen and been immersed in a culture struggling in poverty this class went beyond my prior knowledge. It explained the depth of poverty, homelessness, and food insecurity in America today. Before this class I truly knew the impact poverty can have on individuals’ life because of my work in Haiti. But I guess I just did not realize how many people in America are affected by it daily. The activities in the class from discussion to reflections really prepared me for what I saw in D.C. While on the trip I realized that there are similarities and differences between poverty here and around the world. One similarity I noticed in Haiti and the U.S. is that illness often leads people into poverty. Whether it is because they cannot get medical care or they can receive treatment but the sheer amount of money associated with treatment forces them into poverty. I think it is important to recognize the seminaries and differences in poverty around the world in order to find a solution to this overwhelming problem.

The class has showed me the importance of being educated about the population you are serving. An activity that really illustrated the impact of poverty was the internet activity that gave options for a job and you had to make crucial decisions to hopefully stay out of poverty. I never realized how much some things actually coast has well as how a lot of jobs are not flexible when you cannot be at work. Even though, in the scenario, we had a relatively could job unexpected circumstances brought such as illness brought us the brink of being in debt. Many Americans they have to make these difficult decisions every day. In D.C. I met many individuals who were not always in this position but once again they were victims of unexpected circumstances and unfair systems. Although, I saw people struggling on the streets I also saw their strength and resiliency. And I am so thankful that there are organizations out there that are working to combat these issues. One specific instance during the trip that resonated with me was serving and eating with these individuals. I loved hearing their stories and connecting on a meaningful level in just a short amount of time. Sometimes it is difficult to understand that we are simply human but this was one of those moments. And each day I strive to remember this. That is why each day I spread kindness not hate.

This semester we were forced to take an in depth look at our own privilege. I have always been thankful for what I have but I never truly understood that people have different levels of privilege. Privilege is defined by society. Some factors that I have noticed sadly are race and socioeconomic status. I truly wish the world was not like this and there were no labels. Sadly this world currently does not exist. As a Caucasian individual I am immune or untouchable is some regards. This issue has been seen recently in the media. On the other hand I am a woman and there are still rights I have to fight for daily. Over the course of the trip I saw many of these inequalities. One thing I noticed was that a high number of homeless people are minorities. It just saddens me to think this division still exists and that ignorance perpetuates this. My own personal ignorance can cause harm and over this trip I came to this realization. Now I work hard to understand and gain knowledge upon this difficult subject. And now I truly understand my place in the world. ❤

Thanks for reading and following me on this journey!!

Shayla Ingalls

Final Thoughts| Shayla Ingalls 

So our week in D.C was a short one, but it definitely made an impact. I learned that any type of service no matter how small can make a difference. And that it is important to be intentional in service not just engage in it because you need the hours. It should be something that you do because you are passionate about helping others. I have learned this before but it really stuck with me this past week. And I found it kind of hard to get back in the swing of things. Especially all the homework:( The things I have learned on this trip will stick with through college but also for the rest of my life.

Thanks for following me on this journey!!


Day 4: Which was yesterday, but yesterday was a full day so it’s happening today. Yesterday we went to Reading Partners at Nosy Elementary school. One cool thing about this non-profit is that they have locations all around the country. Their mission is to help students improve their reading skills. Most of the students they woRk with have fallen below there grade reading level. They use volunteer tutors to provide individualized tutoring for the students. This was my favorite place to volunteer with this week. I thoroughly enjoyed it because I love working with children. The first student I worked with was a little mischievous. He tested my patience a little more than I expected. But eventually I broke through after much negotiating. I have found that the kids and people who push you away the most are the ones who truly need your presence. The second kid I had was spunky and sassy. She was in kindergarten and definitely love to learn. We had a blast reading a book and learning new words. This place was a great opportunity for volunteers to make deep connections with the students they are helping. And a program like this relies heavily on volunteers. So I think it is important to remember that giving of your time really does leave an impact. Even though we can’t change the world all at once we can sure make a difference in one person’s life. And often times that is all that matters💕

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Day 3! The Value of Service 

Today was filled with countless adventures our first stop was to volunteer with an organization called Seabury. This organization provides elderly individuals cleaning and maintenance services so they can continue to live in their own home. We had the opportunity to help clean a woman’s house and even though we didn’t do very much every little bit leaves an impact. That’s one thing I have realized is that even the simplest menial task can make a difference. As well as it is important to realize that you can’t change the world in one day. You chip away at it day by day knowing in the grandeur scheme of things your intentional actions truly do matter and have power. 

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Day 2!!!

Today was an awesome day filled with service. Our first stop was Food &a Friends where we helped package meals. This organization offers meals to people that have strict dietary needs due to a medical condition. It was really cool to see that this population needs were being met. I honestly didn’t realize that there was a need for this type of service, it just never really crossed my mind. And now that I know about it I can definitely see how those with health issues need to be advocated for and served. This touched me on a personal level because I have several family members that have serious health problems such as heart issues. And I know that it is important for them to eat healthy which is often more expensive. 

Later today we had the opportunity to cook, serve, and share a meal with some individuals struggling with homelessness. In the beginning I was not quite sure how this was going to go. I guess I was a little nervous. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much I truly enjoyed myself. We had some great conversations that led to connecting on even deeper level than just being acquaintances. It was cool to just all sit around the table where there was no stereotypes, stigmas, or biases. Tonight everyone was simply equal. Which I believe this is how it should be all of the time, and is how I strive to live my life. Overall the day was filled with new adventures, friends, connections, encouragement, and inspiration. I look forward to seeing what new possibilities tomorrow holds.

Thanks for reading!!!😊

Caption: The picture below is from the meal we served this evening. And the man in the middle is just one of the many incredible people we met tonight. 

Day 1 in the books!!

Today we went to an organization called Wider Circle. This organization works to help families furnish their homes, get clothing for their kids, and offers a professional development program. This development program offers professional clothes, a one week class, and a leadership coach. My job today was helping with sorting and folding of donated items. This organization really make sure that their clients’ dignity is maintained through the items they are given and throughout the entire process. That was a really cool thing to see the care and respect they have for the people that walk in their doors. So even though we were doing indirect service it was cool to see the impact it has.
This evening after we debriefed we went and ate at district taco which was super good. Then we got to go to and see the sights. Which was incredible since I am a total history buff. My favorite thing to see so far has been the Lincoln Memorial!!!
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Counting Down

Tomorrow we leave for Washington D.C., it is going to be a busy but impactful spring break. I can’t believe this trip is finally here after months of preparation and planning I can’t wait to see what this week holds. I’m not only excited to be serving the D.C. community but also about building relationships with our team and the people we meet along the way. As a self proclaimed history nerd I am beyond excited to see all of the monuments and museums  that make up D.C. This trip will be one that I will never forget. And I am beyond excited to see what is in store this next week!!

Thanks for reading!!

Shayla Ingalls


Mother Teresa | Shayla Ingalls

One woman that inspires me is Mother Teresa. Not only has she given her life to help the poor but she does not ask for anything in return. Her selflessness has transcended over decades and inspires to always help those in need even if it means I have to make a sacrifice. Her determination to share her love with those in need is unparalleled. Her contagious love and empathy inspires me to never forget how pure love can change the world.

“Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

— Mother Teresa teresateresa


Importance of Reflection | Shayla Ingalls

I believe reflection can be considered a piece of learning. One thing that is different from learning is that it is built from experience. The dictionary definition is seriously thought or consideration. Reflection goes far beyond the dictionary definition especially when you are looking through the lens of service. When you think of reflection in academics for instance it is all about analyzing concepts, critical thinking, forming opinions, and usually comprehension of the material. Reflection in service learning allows you to examine their beliefs, values, opinions, and passions. Reflection also involves observation, question asking questions, fresh ideas, possibly frustrations, all with the end goal of creating new knowledge and new meaning. Sometimes I find it is hard to reflect because not only do you have to process your thoughts but you may have to question your values and beliefs. One thing that personally helps me with reflection is writing in journal especially when I have a new experience. Journaling not only helps you think through your experiences but allows to fully understand the new knowledge you have gained. Reflection is used in many areas in our daily lives whether it is used in academics, professional, service, and making well informed decisions. Many times we engage in reflection without even knowing that we are doing that.
One thing that is different with reflection in service-learning is that it is intentional. One thing that happens when we are intentional is that it gives way to learning in its most pure form. And that is through experiences. Learning through experience allows you to have those light bulb moments. I have found that light bulb movements are memorable because they are transformative. The transformation occurs at the moment of an epiphany but also requires some thought after the fact. This where critical reflection comes into play. Critical reflection allows you to not only understand your values but allows to understand those of the people you serve and the people you serve alongside. By understanding each other’s values, strengths, passions, motivation we can create an essence of inclusivity inside our service group. As well as foster empathy within our own group and the population we are serving. Critical reflection is important to service-learning because it fosters growth. Personally I struggle with growth sometimes simply because it means change. I have learned over the years that growth fosters passion, motivation, and strength. So even though change can be frightening its purpose is to propel us forward into achieving our dreams, goals, and passions.