Great Expectations | Sandra Carlo

In these last couple pre-trip hours the fact that we’re about to embark on this week is becoming reality. As with any new experience nerves are to be expected. My nerves aren’t from feeling unprepared, mainly just from the unexpected. I knew in high school that when I went to Wichita State I wanted to participate in the Alternative Break program that I saw other people go through. As of later today, it’s happening.

A couple of things I want to remind myself through the week:

  1. Why I am in DC.
  2. All people can share common ground.
  3. My experiences shape the way I see the world. Try to view the world as if I have not had the privileges I have.
  4. Take time for reflection.
  5. You have 5 days, try to stay high energy!


“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose.” -Mary Shelley

Pre-trip Jitters| Mariah Reimer

|As I get ready to leave on our trip, I only feel excitement. I’m excited to be traveling with a really cool group of people, I’m excited to go to Washington D.C. for the first time, and I’m excited to be doing service work. But as I reflect on my excitement, I realize that maybe I shouldn’t be so excited. If I’m going to Washington D.C. to really immerse myself with the people we will be working alongside and truly understand the lives that millions of Americans are having to, then I shouldn’t be excited. In all honestly, I should be nervous, unsettled, or even anxious knowing that throughout this week a light will be shinning on the privileges that I take for granted; but at this moment I’m not. Overall, I’m still excited for our trip but I need to put into perspective what we will be doing all week, how it might emotionally affects me, and the steps I can already start taking to better the community I live in.


Well here I go again! Alternative Spring Break trip #4…

Next week I will be serving in our Nation’s Capitol. I would like to not only reflect on the trip that I am about to embark upon, but what I feel might be more important, how I got to where I am at this moment. At this moment right now: I need a bath, I haven’t even begun to pack (heck all of my laundry isn’t even clean yet), I am working on as much homework as possible so that I can take as little of it as possible, blah…blah…blah…what I found now is that none of that is important as the people in my life.

When I think of the past four trips that I have been on I am inclined to think about the individuals I have met along the way.  I wonder often about how their lives are, where they are now.  Not only the people that I was fortunate to serve but also those that I was blessed to serve with and to call friends along the way.  As I sit and reflect I am thankful for the pictures that I took along the way because pictures really are worth a thousand words.

new orleans

First trip to New Orleans where we worked on hurricane relief clean up.


Robert, who lost his mother and granddaughter during Hurricane Katrina.


This lady that made us little pies and brought them as a thank you…I can’t remember her name now.  😦


Mrs. Dawson in Washington DC.  She still lived in the same house she raised her children in.


Peter, he read his poetry to us.  It should be published.

Sister Mary Magdalene

One of the most insightful days of my life.


I even had time to meet with a beautiful friend while in New York City.


Some of them became trusted friends!


Who will I meet along the way this year!?!


Counting Down

Tomorrow we leave for Washington D.C., it is going to be a busy but impactful spring break. I can’t believe this trip is finally here after months of preparation and planning I can’t wait to see what this week holds. I’m not only excited to be serving the D.C. community but also about building relationships with our team and the people we meet along the way. As a self proclaimed history nerd I am beyond excited to see all of the monuments and museums  that make up D.C. This trip will be one that I will never forget. And I am beyond excited to see what is in store this next week!!

Thanks for reading!!

Shayla Ingalls