Final Blog | Li Wang

Reflecting on my experience to Alternative Spring Break Service Learning class I feel I get a lot out of it. The “Strat Something That Matters” book though me something new every time I read it. I feel lucky, that have the opportunity to go to the Alternative Spring Break trip in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, Alternative Spring Break trip went to New York City we focused in service and leadership, and In 2017 we went to Washington D.C. learning about hunger and homelessness. We partner up with YSOP for both trips, but the experience was totally different.

IMG_9091.jpgStart of the school year, I know that we have to take the service learning class enable to go to this service trip. In 2016, the Alternative Spring Break class was optional, but I have decided to take the class. It was definitely a good class that worth to take. I have learned so much about service learning, civic engagement, hunger, property, and of course leadership. Start of the school year I was afraid the class will be the same as last year. Chelsea did make some change for the class compare to last year. For the class 2016 Alternative Spring Break class Chelsea focused more in service and leadership, and this school year she focused more in hunger and homelessness issue. I think the class is a good reminder for me to always keep those precious things in my thoughts, when I don’t have someone always there to reminds me why is important to do volunteer service.img_1767

In class, Chelsea always challenge us with hard questions. Those questions make me wonder why service is so important? One person can’t stop the hunger, but why we need go out and help? Chelsea has told us we can’t stop hunger in D.C. in one week, but is important that we go to the Washington D.C. and see how people in Washington D.C. fight for hunger and homelessness issue. We can bring what we see back to Wichita, and make a difference. To educate ourselves to be mindful about what we see and do when we saw someone life in the street.  Things are not always the way we see it, don’t judge people by how they look. She shaped how I see service and the civic engagement.IMG_3112.jpg

During the trip the most memorizing part was the day two service dinner. It makes a huge difference for my service trip experience. It brings my service trip to a whole different level compare to the year before when we in New York City. I learned that the people stay at the street do not means they don’t work hard, or they don’t have a job, or they don’t have money. It is cause by many different causes, and live at the street is choice that they have to make.20170321_200524-e1490576390179

One day we go out export the city after service. I saw a homeless guy with an injured dog. He was asking people for change so he can get some medication for his dog. I give him some change, but at time I was thinking if he doesn’t have the dog with him would I do anything about it? Maybe yes? Maybe no? I see a lot homeless people during the week, sometimes I will give them money when they ask, but sometimes not. It hurts that when I realize how we do care about pets, but we don’t even care about a life human being. I realized, we need stop our ignorance.

Overall, end of this class I have deeper understanding about hunger and homelessness. I want to bring what I see and what I learned in Washington D.C. back to Wichita. I know one person can’t make a huge different, but influence someone around us, will make a difference.IMG_5125.JPG

Back to Wichita | Li Wang

During the week of ASB, we get to volunteering at several volunteer service sites in Washington D.C. I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to learn about property and homeless issue in Washington D.C. During the week I have meet people who inspire others to read; who provide in dietary need patients healthy food; who gives  furnitures to family needs; and who helping seniors have a better living conditions.  Compare Wichita and Washington DC I think we have less visible homeless populations, but it doesn’t means it is not exist. I often see people live on the streets and think what can I do to help them out. I think after my experience in Washington DC I know what I can do to make them feel more like anyone else. Just treat them like everyone else. There was many organizations in Wichita that provides service to homeless people and the people who live in poverty. What I can do to help is go volunteer at the organizations, and tell the people who needs the service that their was a place they can go. Last year I get to go to New York City. We have an service pitch in ASB class. The project that we worked all summer was WACK project. I want to continue work with Stephanie to help wherever I can, to raise awareness about food waste in the Wichita community.  I want to put my hard work into this issue. I believe it will inspire someone to do something about it. This blog it’s a reminder to myself that continue work on the issue, don’t quit or put it back about the things that I want to do.

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Day Four At Noyes Elementary School | Li Wang

Last day of service we are going to the Noyes Elementary School. YSOP partner up with an organization call Reading Partner. What we do is teach kids in elementary school to read. I’ve never done it before so I was little nervous. English is not my first language, and I know how hard is it to open your mouth and actually read out loud. Today I get to teach two of the students. I am so glad that we have lesson plan to follow. That make me feel way more confident on what I said to the students. I also learned that they are very easily too distracted. I tried different ways to engage with my students. We play games when we learn. I also know how to make deal with them when they don’t want to read. Like the volunteer coordinators told us it’s important for them to have somebody to looking forward as a role model when they grow up. So it’s important that we read to them so they know that they can do it too.


One of the volunteer Coordinator


ASB Crew at Noyes Elementary School


National Museum of African American


Dinner at Clyde’s


China Town

Day Three At Seabury | Li Wang

The day three of service, we are going to a organization call Seabury. Seabury is a organization that provide resources for aging population. One of the program that we get to help is call age-in- pair. What we going to do is pare up with one senior and help them clean up house, do any yard work, or anything that the family need us to get done. YSOP asked us to ride the city bus today. It was very different compared to the metro system. The city was changed very quick. From the big buildings to little tiny houses. I was very surprised that in Washington DC people builds their houses next to each other without a gap between buildings. They have a lots beautiful architectures. When we get off the bus stop. The Seabury volunteer coordinator Rachael come pick us up to their central location. She gives us a short orientation about how the organization it’s funded and what kind of service they provide. After that she took us to one of the family we going to serve today. The woman that we’re going to serve her name is Miss Jones. Rachel told us that Miss Jones it’s one of the customer they have for long time.  She is always preparing and have a list of things want volunteers to work on. When we get to Miss Jones’s house.  She did not expect us to show up. But she quickly told us what to do, and what needs to bee work on in her house. We cleaned up her basement and polished all the furniture’s. We also get back to Seabury and make some birthday cards for April birthday customers.


Rachel and ASB Crew


Dinner at &Pizza


M.L.K. Memorial


Jefferson Memorial

Day two at Food and Friends | Li Wang

We leave Church of Epiphany around 8:30a.m. on our way to our second service site called “Food & Friends”. “Food and Friends” is an organization that serve people who has needs for healthy and dietary food. They serve 11 different kind of dietary food in their menu. Today we get to help “food and friends” packing the special dietary menu. At first we start with a very short volunteer orientation. The volunteer coordinator gives us a quick tour of the kitchen. I was surprised by the size of the kitchen. When we walk in there were people working in side of kitchen already. She took us to the restroom and tell us how to wash our hands properly. Throughout the volunteer we get to put together the 11 dietary need bags. We also get to pack the food bag they normally serve. They did a good job all organizing all the volunteers and told us what to do. I met this lady name Jogn who work at the food & friends. She tells us she works there almost a year. She she starts as a volunteer and now she is a full-time staff there. We use very short period of time to completed a lots work. The cooking staff at the kitchen also baked cupcake for us. We leave the food and friends around 1 PM.


Food & Friends Staff Jogn


The ASB Crew With Cupcake


Food & Friends

Service Dinner:

Today we’re also get to have a service dinner at church of Epiphany. We meet up at the church of Epiphany for service dinner sit up around 5pm. We have a quick group reflection with YSOP on what we did today, and then YSOP separate us into different groups for different tasks in the kitchen.  I get to make brownie for my first life time. I learned how to make brownie with Hayden and Shayla. After that I also get to help set up the games in the cafeteria area. And I joined the Wisconsin group on making paper flowers for room decoration. The dinner starts at 7pm. When the door opened there were guests slowly come in. The first person set on our table was Jerry. He seems tired and hungry. He sit down didn’t say anything, and quietly eating the popcorn we provide on the table. He don’t seems like want to communicate with us. We reach out to him and ask if you want to play Jenga with us. He said “no”. Later on I asked two more times.  He still say “no”. I said. “Jerry how about we are a team now, I gonna play for you, you need cheer for me OK?” He say : “ok”. Later on there where more guests come to our table. We change our game to “Uno”. Jerry agree to play. We slowly start conversations. On the end of dinner he tell me thank you, and he is looking forward to next service dinner. I feel accomplished my goal tonight. I feel like I did something that make someone’s day little better.


Make Paper Flowers


Our Table


Day one at A Wider Circle | Li Wang

The first day of service, YSOP provided a short presentation about poverty and homelessness in Washington DC for us. We also got to meet other students from Wisconsin. Wichita State students were separated into two groups. I was in the Yellow team. We named ourselves “The Serving Stallions”. The first site we visited this week was a non-profit organization in Washington D.C. called “A Wider Circle”. On the way to “A Wider Circle, we found out that the students from Wisconsin would join us for the service. At the Wider Circle”, the volunteer coordinator told us about what he does and why he wanted to work at this non-profit organization. What I remember the most was that one of his jobs used to be to convince people to go to the hospital. He told us that most people he serves live under the poverty line. He often gets “no” for an answer when he tries to convince people who are very sick to go to the hospital. The reason he is rejected so often is because they don’t have a ride back home. I was shocked and sad that in Washington D.C. there are so many people who are facing this type of situation. It makes me realize how privileged we are even as college students. He also gave us a short tour of the facility. During the service, I got to know more about the organization, got to know the students from Wisconsin, and met some volunteers that live at D.C. area.

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On Our Way to “A Wider Circle”

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Worked on Sorting Baby Clothing


Her name is Annable. She is one of the volunteers for “A Wider Circle”. She told me that she is a high school Sophomore, and she is learning ballet. 


Lunch Break


Going back to YSOP

YSOP invited The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development director Marvin Turner to talk to us about poverty and homeless issues in Washington D.C. He has served under 4 different presidents. In his 18 year journey of serving as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development director, one of his most memorable cases was about how his neighbor needed to move out due to foreclosure. That influenced him to continue to work on the housing issues in D.C. In D.C., the homeless population amounts to about 13,000 and the average age of the homeless population was 8 years old. Its heart breaking that the homeless population age is getting younger and younger over time.


After Service/ Tour Night


District Taco (Dinner)


Washington Monument


Lincoln Memorial

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WW II Memorial


Baked & Wired

Fly to Washington DC | Li Wang

I am so excited to go to Washington DC! This is my second year to go to Alternative Spring Break Service trip. Last year today is the day we get back from New York City, and today is Greg Rubber’s birth day! (one of the Alternative Spring Break Service trip 2016 participant). I can’t wait to get to know every one, and get to know the community in Washington DC. This Tuesday, I just have a new niece. I am so excited to see her again when I get back from DC!!


ASB 2016 IMG_1722.JPG

Play Card at Airport


My Niece

 Washington DC Airport

Stephanie Merritt & Chelsea Redger | Li Wang

Stephanie Merritt 

She is the Wichita Starbucks lady, and the CEO of a non-profit called Wichita Area Coalition for kindness.


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  • She taught me is never too late to give back to our community and spread the kindness.
  • She taught me learn something from others everyday.
  • She taught me how to  make beanies for babies.
  • She taught me be appreciate to people around me.

Chelsea Redger 

She is my adviser for Community Service Board. She is always there when I need some one to talk to.


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  • She taught me it’s ok to ask for help.
  • She taught me time management and grow as a leader.
  • She taught me the important of service learning and civic engagement.
  • She taught me “Make the world more awesome.-Kid president”

Those are just two woman who inspired me in my life. There where many many more people who inspired me. I want to appreciate everyone who can be part of my life and be there to inspire me.

The end, I want to share with you a Youtube video by Prince Ea. It’s call “Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives”.


Why reflection is important to service learning? | Li Wang

Why is reflection important to service learning?


Before we discuss about why reflection is important to service learning, I think it is important to know what reflection is. Reflection is thinking about our experiences, analyzing them, making changes based on our mistakes and building upon old knowledge to create new knowledge. Reflection also allows us to find common ground with other people. It is the key of learning and success.


I do agree that reflection is important for service learning. The article, “Reflection on engagement at William and Mary a guide for leaders and practitioners,” covers some very important things about reflection. There are two types of reflection I think are significantly important for a service learning trip. The first is self reflection and the second is group reflection.


First, I am going to talk about self reflection. Self reflection helps us to think through our experiences. It gives ourselves the ability to learn from our mistakes, and to change from it. Personally, I think self reflection helps me learn about myself and makes me a better person. I think self reflection is very powerful. It allows us to ask ourselves hard questions such as, “What?”; “So what?”; and “Now what?”. However, after answering those difficult questions you will gain something from it. There are many ways you can do self reflection. One way is to keep a journal with you and write a paragraph or two. This can be a good reflection of the day. There are also other ways like, blogging; drawing a small picture everyday; taking a picture everyday; or just thinking through your day before you go to sleep. I believe it will help you become a better version of you!


Another kind reflection that is significantly important for service learning is group reflection. Group reflection helps individuals learn more about others and find common ground with one another. It also helps with team bonding by allowing people to share their thoughts with the rest of the group and exchanging ideas. Another good thing about group reflection, is we can hear other perspectives and get a better understanding of why we do what we do. For example, in the YSOP program we will be separated into different groups so that we can serve to different communities within Washington, DC. At the end of the day, we will join up again to talk about what we did that day and what we can do better next time. We will also discuss the pros and cons of our service in the community. I think a group reflection will be a great way for everyone on the service learning trip to grow together as a team.