Conclusion of ASB trip

This was such a great learning experience and I loved helping the DC community. It was such a blessing to work with so many people and getting to know many more. The first day was an eye opener on what would be happening the following days and I enjoyed each day. I spent time cleaning furniture to feeding the home less to helping the elderly to reading to children. It was an amazing experience getting to know a portion of the DC community and I hope I can use what I learned from there over here in Kansas. I’m very appreciative that I got to do this kind of service and I hope I can do it again in the future.

Day 5

My final day in Washington DC and I spent it looking at the monuments. I didn’t get to do much when it came to volunteering but I really did enjoy the day. It was a good ending to a very exciting week. I’m happy that I helped all of the people that I could and it was one of the best expierences I’ve had. This spring break trip really introduced me to a whole new world and I’m very thankful for it.

Day 4

I read to some children today at an elementary school. It was very pleasing to watch them be so happy about learning. I believe that the reason they are in the program for slower reading isn’t because they aren’t smart or don’t know it. I think it’s because of a lack of focus or they don’t have the help they need to achieve success. I’m happy that the two students I helped were very eager to learn new things. It really made me happier knowing that we as a community are getting smarter each day. In my spare time, I got to see the rest of DC and I’m definitely going to miss it here. It’s been a blast helping and getting to know this community better.

Day 3

Today we helped out an elderly woman by the name of Ms. Jones. She was very sweet and kind and it reminded me a lot of my grandmother when I helped her. She was 85 years old but she looked nowhere near that age. I’m happy I was able to volunteer and help her out because I understand the struggles that elderly people go through, since I’ve worked with them prior. I also saw the African American museum and I was very intrigued by the artifacts and culture. Day 3 was definitely a success

Meeting some awesome people

This was my 2nd day of the Alternative Spring break trip and I must say that I’m very captivated by the people I met today. I met two people named Dale and Nathan and they were very enjoyable people. They really inspired me because even though they were going through rough times, they kept laughing and smiling. I also volunteered at Food and friends and assisted them with packaging meals for the various customers they serve. It was an interesting perspective that they see everyday helping people in need. This day was very touching and inspirational and I’m happy I got to experience this. Day 2, 10/10

I’m excited

I am currently sitting in the airport writing my blog while the rest of the spring breakers are playing card games to pass the time. I’m happy that this is the group I’ll be helping the DC community with. They’re a fun and very enjoyable group, and I’m excited to see what comes for us in DC. My expectations of what to expect in DC are hard to predict, but I imagine I’m going to have fun and I’m going to help a lot of people. I’m very grateful to be travelling to DC and I hope I can do my best to help their community.