Ari Kopycinski





What was your childhood dream job?

Best-selling author and/or astronaut

Why did you choose an Alternative Spring Break program?

I chose to do ASB because I want to become more active in community service, whether that’s here in Wichita or across the country in D.C or across the world somewhere. Service learning is a great opportunity to not only help out in different communities but to also become more socially aware of what happens outside of my privileged realm. Becoming more cognizant of our society and the people that live in it is my ultimate goal, and this ASB program will help me reach that goal.

Why are you passionate about service work?

It has always been intrinsically fulfilling for me to help out in the community, no matter where that community may be and what service I am helping with. I am passionate because I want to learn how to more effectively help without impeding on the feelings or rights of others.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to get my Bachelor’s degree, move out of Kansas to get my Master’s, and then probably adopt a cat and live simply while paying off all of my student loans. Also, I plan to learn how to crochet. Honestly, just becoming a cat lady is my plan for the future.