The End – Bri Williams

I came into this class knowing a few things about homeless and food insecurity. I knew it happened to people. I knew it could happen to anyone. I knew it was hard for people. I have seen it, I have witnessed it, I have felt it. But I never knew the numbers, the amount it people it effected. How the state and government handle these very American issues.

I have learned we can not solve it all, but we can take steps to show we care. We love to help others and lend a hand. But we do it for a little bit, and stop. Or we do not finish out our mission. So, the goal I have for here on out, is to finish the mission. Fight the good fight. And make sure everyone is being heard.

But in this class, I have learned that I need to study and do my research. And make a real effort to make a change. Show that I care more. This class was very beneficial to my knowledge about hunger and homelessness. The trip added a visual to my knowledge and hope for change. To know the facts is one thing, but to work in it and affect peoples lives. It is a really hopeful feeling.

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