Final Blog | Li Wang

Reflecting on my experience to Alternative Spring Break Service Learning class I feel I get a lot out of it. The “Strat Something That Matters” book though me something new every time I read it. I feel lucky, that have the opportunity to go to the Alternative Spring Break trip in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, Alternative Spring Break trip went to New York City we focused in service and leadership, and In 2017 we went to Washington D.C. learning about hunger and homelessness. We partner up with YSOP for both trips, but the experience was totally different.

IMG_9091.jpgStart of the school year, I know that we have to take the service learning class enable to go to this service trip. In 2016, the Alternative Spring Break class was optional, but I have decided to take the class. It was definitely a good class that worth to take. I have learned so much about service learning, civic engagement, hunger, property, and of course leadership. Start of the school year I was afraid the class will be the same as last year. Chelsea did make some change for the class compare to last year. For the class 2016 Alternative Spring Break class Chelsea focused more in service and leadership, and this school year she focused more in hunger and homelessness issue. I think the class is a good reminder for me to always keep those precious things in my thoughts, when I don’t have someone always there to reminds me why is important to do volunteer service.img_1767

In class, Chelsea always challenge us with hard questions. Those questions make me wonder why service is so important? One person can’t stop the hunger, but why we need go out and help? Chelsea has told us we can’t stop hunger in D.C. in one week, but is important that we go to the Washington D.C. and see how people in Washington D.C. fight for hunger and homelessness issue. We can bring what we see back to Wichita, and make a difference. To educate ourselves to be mindful about what we see and do when we saw someone life in the street.  Things are not always the way we see it, don’t judge people by how they look. She shaped how I see service and the civic engagement.IMG_3112.jpg

During the trip the most memorizing part was the day two service dinner. It makes a huge difference for my service trip experience. It brings my service trip to a whole different level compare to the year before when we in New York City. I learned that the people stay at the street do not means they don’t work hard, or they don’t have a job, or they don’t have money. It is cause by many different causes, and live at the street is choice that they have to make.20170321_200524-e1490576390179

One day we go out export the city after service. I saw a homeless guy with an injured dog. He was asking people for change so he can get some medication for his dog. I give him some change, but at time I was thinking if he doesn’t have the dog with him would I do anything about it? Maybe yes? Maybe no? I see a lot homeless people during the week, sometimes I will give them money when they ask, but sometimes not. It hurts that when I realize how we do care about pets, but we don’t even care about a life human being. I realized, we need stop our ignorance.

Overall, end of this class I have deeper understanding about hunger and homelessness. I want to bring what I see and what I learned in Washington D.C. back to Wichita. I know one person can’t make a huge different, but influence someone around us, will make a difference.IMG_5125.JPG

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