Is Reflection Important? | Baylee Brown

Typically, after a challenging day, test, or class; I like to sit and reflect on things I could have done better or didn’t understand.  If I have an especially hard time understanding a new concept or want to bounce ideas off of others, I like to reflect in a group of my peers.  If it is important in my school work and everyday life, it is also important in service learning as well.  That is the thing that college and service learning have in common, you are spending your time learning and expanding your knowledge in a certain area or subject. The only difference is when I finish a test, I tend to drop the conversation or expanding of my knowledge on that area.  However, in service learning there is always opportunity to grow and expand your knowledge further by asking yourself the question; “So what now?”

At any point in time before, during, or after your service learning experience, that question may arise regarding what you or your fellow peers can do next.  I believe that you can never learn or do enough to expand your knowledge on a subject, there is an endless amount of knowledge you can acquire.  You can often find answers in yourself through self reflection; by recording your feelings, experiences, and activities during your service learning opportunity.  Often times when you are doing service learning you are participating in something you are passionate about, have little knowledge of, or something to get you out of your comfort zone.  I think it is important to reflect on how things made you feel during your service learning, and the way the community made you feel.  The only way you are going to learn more from yourself is if you ask yourself the tough questions that you have to dive deep to understand and find the answer. Sometimes you can’t come to a conclusion yourself and need help from the others in your group.

Since I often find myself asking myself questions that I cannot answer, I look towards my acquaintances for answers.  That is the awesome thing about a group working together for a collective, together you can come to conclusions and answers that you may not have come up with on your own.  Everyone also has different experiences in their lives and service learning that they can contribute to the group. Reflecting in a group is great as well, you can challenge each other in a respectful manner, encourage each other, and learn from your fellow group members. Reflection is important in everyday life, and very important in service learning. You can use reflection to dive into your own mind and learn from yourself, or you can use it to expand you views through the experiences of others have obtained.  Reflection is important to the knowledge and growth, it can help someone understand the importance of service.

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